Converti WMA in OPUS online gratuitamente
1: Scegli più file WMA locali o inserisci l'URL del file WMA online. 2: Scegli "OPUS" come formato di destinazione e imposta le opzioni. 3: Fare clic sul pulsante "AVVIA CONVERSIONE" per convertire WMA in OPUS online.
Estensione del file: .wma
Windows Media Audio (WMA) is an audio data compression technology developed by Microsoft. The name can be used to refer to its audio file format or its audio codecs. It is a proprietary technology that forms part of the Windows Media framework. Each WMA file features a single audio track in one of the four sub-formats: WMA, WMA Pro, WMA Lossless, or WMA Voice.
Estensione del file: .opus
Opus is a lossy audio coding format developed by Xiph and standardized by the IETF, designed to efficiently code speech and general audio in a single format, while remaining low-latency enough for real-time interactive communication and low-complexity enough for low end ARM3 processors.